C.A.R.E. Bags Donated
In February 2023, in partnership with the Jewish Community of Utica, the Peace Together Project launched a street survival care bag initiative with a goal to provide 300 care bags containing basic and essential relief items for area homeless living in difficult conditions. The pilot program also included over 40 care bags for the pets of our unhoused neighbors.
A typical street survival C.A.R.E. bag includes a water tight gallon size zipper lock plastic bag filled with items such as:
- Socks
- Gloves (seasonal)
- Hand warmers (seasonal)
- Granola bar
- Hand wipes
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Comb
- Chap stick
- Shampoo – deodorant – body wash
- deodorant stick
- Antibiotic cream and band aids
- Local resource guide of shelters, kitchens and services

Street Survival C.A.R.E. Bags for Pets of Homeless
For our unhoused neighbors, a pet is often their closest companion. Pets can be of service to the homeless, providing them with affection and comfort as well as security and protection. Our homeless neighbors try their best to keep their pet and provide them with a loving and caring environment.
The Peace Together Project is looking to help our unhoused neighbors with pets in keeping their fury companions regardless of their living arrangements. We make a difference by helping our community’s most vulnerable residents experiencing homelessness, with basic care for them and their beloved pets. We hope to provide kindness and compassion to our community’s most vulnerable residents experiencing homelessness, with basic and essential care bags for them and their loving and comforting pets.
The street survival C.A.R.E. bag inititaive is Inspired by kindness and driven by the caring smiles of our volunteer network.