Wish for W.A.R.M. is a signature program of the Peace Together Project providing warm apparel such as hats, gloves and socks to our area homeless. Sponsored through the W.A.R.M. kindness and generosity of Adirondack Bank, the Warm Apparel Relief Movement supports the needs of our participating organizations such as the Marrow Warming Center, Hope House, ICAN’s Homeless Street Outreach, Project Home and Evelyn’s House, Utica center for Development-Veteran’s Outreach Center, The Rescue mission of Utica, Emmaus House, Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, Loaves and Fishes Warming Center and Herkimer Catholic Charities Runaway and Homless Youth Program.

In 2018, I shared a story of one winter night when Louie Jr. came home and woke me up all excited to tell me of his night’s events. He said “Dad don’t get mad at me; but, I gave my new coat to a homeless guy outside of the Auburn tonight. It was freezing out and I saw him with no coat on, so I gave him my coat.” I replied, “Louie, I’m so proud of you ” In staying with how many times both my boys, Chris and Louie, did so many wonderful and spontaneous acts of kindness, Peace Together Project donated winter knit hats and gloves to the Homeless coalition survival kits for the winter… With temperatures falling below zero, please consider providing wish for W.A.R.M. items and support to homeless shelters and missions…
Are you ready to place your order from our wish list? Click Here

That story and homeless survival kit donations provided the inspiration to start Wish for W.A.R.M. – Warm Apparel Relief Movement
Wish for W.A.R.M. – Warm Apparel Relief Movement, was founded by Louis LaBella, Sr. as a community platform of Peace Together Project. Wish for W.A.R.M. Brings donors and shelters together to provide warm apparel such as beanies, gloves and socks to our area homeless through an online wish list drive. If you want to support our homeless as they wish for warm clothing, wish for warm food, wish for warm shelter and wish for care, join in on the #WishforWarmDrive.
Are you ready to place your order from our wish list? Click Here
Wish for W.A.R.M. is an on-line giving drive that provides warm items for our area homeless.

Wish for W.A.R.M. starts on Giving Tuesday, and ends on the the First Day of Winter, December 21st. It’s the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year and National Homeless Remembrance Day. It reminds us that frigid temperatures are upon us.
Wish for W.A.R.M. is a community platform Inspired by kindness and driven by the warm smiles of a remote volunteer network.
Do you want to now more about Wish for W.A.R.M.? Click Here
If you wish to join our remote volunteer network or would like your shelter, mission or kitchen to be included in the Wish for W.A.R.M. program, please email us at: info@wishforwarm.org or call 315.333.2357
Our community platforms are Inspired by kindness and driven by the warm and caring smiles of our volunteer network. We are looking for virtual volunteers to work remotely on the Wish for W.A.R,M, program.
The remote volunteer network is made of the kindness and smiles of others just like you. They help promote the Wish for W.A.R.M. drive. These volunteers are the heart and soul of the Warm Apparel Relief Movement. They don’t just want to make a donation – they want to make an impact.
Are you ready to place your order from our wish list? Click Here
Would you prefer to make a monetary donation? Click Here
What Can I Do?
You can help promote the Wish for W.A.R.M. drive on social media by posting, sharing and engaging your friends and followers. Wish for W.A.R.M. will furnish the media to post on your social media accounts. You can volunteer remotely from the comforts of your home while promoting the Wish for W.A.R.M. drive for our area homeless.
If you wish to to join the remote volunteer network or would like your shelter, mission or kitchen to be included in the Wish for W.A.R.M. program, please call: 315.333.2357
Do you want to know more about Wish for W.A.R.M.? Click Here
Your Wish for W.A.R.M. donations are supporting the following 2023 Participating Organizations and Homeless Programs.
Utice Center for Development
Catholic Charities of Herkmer County
The Marrow Warming Center